Common Housing Register
A Common Housing Register is a waiting list for people looking to rent a home.
Social landlords in some local areas work together so applicants only have to fill in one application form. Customers can also get information and advice about other housing options based on their individual circumstances.
Common Housing Registers are different across the country, but all offer:
- a single point of contact for applicants and a shared application form (online or paper)
- a single database of all applicants seeking housing
- a shared service for information and advice.
Applicants will be registered on lists held by two or more Registered Social Landlords.
What are the benefits of a Common Housing Register?
Social housing is in short supply across the UK. A Common Housing Register helps social landlords understand the housing need in an area. The register lets us know the demand for social housing, from first-time applicants to existing tenants who are looking for a move.
Benefits include:
- simple and fair access to a number of social landlords
- greater choice of social landlords, housing areas and types.