Publication scheme
This publication scheme organises our published information under nine classes.
In using these nine classes we are following the Scottish Information Commissioner’s model Publication Scheme and applying its guidance.
If you have any questions, queries or suggestions about how to improve our published information or this guide, please email our Information Governance Team at
You can view the Wheatley Group Publication Scheme here - all Group policies apply to Wheatley Homes South also. If what you are looking for is not here then you can make a request for information.
Class 1: About the authority
Information about the authority, who we are, where to find us, how to contact us, how we are managed and our external relations.
General information about the authority:
- Authority name, address and contact details for headquarters and principal offices:
- Organisational structure, roles and responsibilities of senior officers:
- Business opening hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm:
- Contact details for customer care and complaints functions:
- Customer codes or charters:
- Publication scheme and Guide to Information:
- Charging schedule for published information:
- Contact details and advice about how to request information from the authority:
- Charging schedule for environmental information provided in response to requests under the EIRs (if the authority charges for environmental information):
- Legal framework for the authority, including constitution, articles of association or charter: (personal information redacted under section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002) Wheatley Homes South Articles of Association
- How we use your information
- Charity details for Wheatley Homes South
- Scottish Housing Regulator details for Wheatley Housing Group Limited and RSL subsidiaries
How the authority is run:
- Description of governance structure, Board, committees and other decision making structures:
- Governance policies, including standing orders, code of conduct ; Group Unacceptable Actions Policy; Group Risk Management Policy and register of interests: Group complaints policy and complaints handling procedure, Group Data Protection Policy, Group Freedom of Information policy, Group procurement policy
- Names, responsibilities and (work-related) biographical details of the people who make strategic and operational decisions about the performance of function and/or delivery of services by the authority e.g. Board members, chief officers:
Corporate planning:
- Mission statement:
- Corporate strategies e.g., for economic development, etc:
- Corporate policies, e.g., health and safety, Fire Prevention and Mitigation Framework; sustainability (no information held in this class), equalities: Group equality, diversity and human rights
- Corporate plan: No information held in this class
- Strategic planning processes: No information held in this class.
External relations:
- Accountability relationships, including reports to regulators: OSCR, FCA
- Subsidiary companies (wholly and part owned) and other significant financial interests: No information held in this class.
- Internal (page 56) and external (page 65) audit arrangements:
- Strategic agreements with other bodies: No information held in this class.
Class 2: How we deliver our functions and services
Information about our work, our strategy and policies for delivering functions and services and information for our service users.
- Description of functions, including statutory basis for them, where applicable:
- Strategies, policies and internal staff procedures for performing statutory functions: No information held in this class. There are no statutory functions
- Statement of Public task required by the Re-use of Public Sector information Regulations 201513 (if applicable): No information held in this class
- How to report a concern to the authority:
- Reports of the authority’s exercise of its statutory functions: No information held in this class
- Statutory registers (NB not if inspection-only). No information held in this class
- List of services, including statutory basis for them, where applicable:
- Service policies and internal staff procedures, including allocation, quality and standards: Data Protection policy, Whistleblowing policy, Group Homelessness Policy, Housing information, Advice and Letting policy, Lock-ups and garages, Repairs and Maintenance Policy
- Group Engagement Framework; Group Adult Support and Protection Policy; Group Domestic Abuse Policy; Group Child Protection Policy; Group Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements Policy; Group Protecting People Framework; Neighbourhood Management Policy ; Group Managing Dampness, Mould and Condensation Policy; ; Group Sustainability Framework; Group Suicide Prevention Framework; Group Hate Crime Policy
- Service schedules and delivery plans: No information collected in this class.
- Information for service users, including how to access the services:
- Service fees and charges, including bursaries. Income, Arrears and Debtors policy
- Ways we can help
Class 3: How we take decisions and what we have decided
Information about the decisions we take, how we make decisions and how we involve others.
- Decisions taken by the organisation: agendas, reports and papers provided for consideration and minutes of Board (or equivalent) meetings:
- Public consultation and engagement strategies:
- Reports of regulatory inspections, audits and investigations carried out by the authority: Group Scrutiny Panel
- Environmental Impact Assessment Reports undertaken in compliance with the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 - No information held in this class
- Group Signing Policy
Class 4: What we spend and how we spend it
Information about our strategy for, and management of, financial resources (in sufficient detail to explain how we plan to spend public money and what has actually been spent).
Financial statements required by statute e.g., sections 31 and 33 of the Public Service Reform (Scotland) Act 201015, if applicable to the authority:
- Financial policies and procedures for budget allocation:
- Budget allocation to key policy / function / service areas: Business updates
- Purchasing plans and capital funding plans: Our strategy for capital funding for 2021-26 is set out in our Group Strategy - Your Home, Your Community, Your Future; an annual update on our capital funding position is provided in our annual report for 2021/22, this is set out in pages 36 and 37
- Financial administration manual / internal financial regulations: Standing orders
- Expenses policies and procedures: Standing orders
- Senior staff/board member expenses at category level e.g. travel, subsistence and accommodation (page 82 and 83); Senior staff remuneration and expenses (2021/2022, 2022/2023)
- Board member remuneration other than expenses (page 82); Group Governing Body Member remuneration policy
- Group Governing Body Members Expenses and Allowances; Group Policy on Gifts, Hospitality, Payments and Benefits; Group Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Policy; Group Fraud Corruption and Bribery Policy; Group Treasury Management Policy; Group Charging Policy
- Pay and grading structure (levels of pay rather than individual salaries): Available on request
- Settlement agreements for Wheatley Homes South
- Investments, summary information about endowments, investments and authority pension fund (page 101-107)
- Funding awards available from the authority, how to apply for them and funding awards made by the authority:
Class 5: How we manage our human, physical and information resources
Information about how we manage the human, physical and information resources of the authority.
Human resources:
- Strategy and management of human resources: No information held in this class
- Staffing structure:
- Human resources policies, procedures and guidelines, including e.g., recruitment, performance management, salary and grading, promotion, pensions, discipline, grievance, staff development, staff records: Adoption Leave and Pay Policy, Attendance Support Policy, Carers Support Policy, Career Break Policy, Compassionate Leave Policy, Dignity at Work Policy, Disciplinary policy, Disclosure and PVG Policy, Flexible working policy, Grievance policy, Job Evaluation Policy, Local Government Pension Scheme Policy, Maternity Leave and Pay Policy, Paternal Leave Policy, Paternity and Maternity Support Leave, Probation Policy, Recruitment and selection policy, Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy, Security of employment redeployment and redundancy policy, Stress at Work Policy, Substance Misuse Policy, Buying and Selling Leave, Staff Remuneration, Shared Parental Leave
- Employee relations structures and agreements reached with recognised trade unions and professional organisations: available on request
Physical resources:
- Management of the authority’s land and property assets, including environmental/sustainability reports: No information held in this class
- Description of the authority’s land and property holdings (page 4):
- Estate development plans: No information held in this class
- Maintenance arrangements: No information held in this class
Information resources:
- Records management policy and records management plan, including records retention schedule: Adult care services; Communications and marketing; Community safety and environment; Finance; Governance; Health and safety; Housing; Human resources; IT; Legal; Management; Procurement; Property; Wheatley Foundation, Assurance
- Information governance/asset management policies and procedures, information asset list; Special Category Data Policy;: Data Protection policy and Record Management policy.
- Knowledge management policies and procedures: Record Management policy
- List of statistical information published by the authority: No information held in this class.
- Freedom of information policies and procedures:
- Data protection policy and privacy notices:
- Group Social Media Policy
Class 6: How we procure goods and services from external providers
Information about how we procure works, goods and services, and our contracts with external providers.
- Procurement policies and procedures:
- Invitations to tender:
- Register of contracts awarded, which have gone through formal tendering, including name of supplier, period of contract and value:
- Additional information which is required to be published by applicable procurement legislation and statutory guidance (e.g. the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014, the Procurement (Scotland) Regulations 2016 and Public Contracts (Scotland) regulations 2015):
- Links to procurement information the authority publishes on the Public Contracts Scotland website:
Class 7: How we are performing
Information about how we perform as an organisation, and how well we deliver our functions and services.
External reports e.g., annual report, performance statements required by statute (e.g., section 32 of the Public Service Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 if applicable: No information held in this class
Performance indicators and performance against them:
- Wheatley Homes South performance against the Scottish Social Housing Charter
- Wheatley Housing Group performance against the Scottish Housing Charter
- Wheatley Homes South's Annual Report to tenants 2022/23
- Wheatley Group financial statements 2022/23
- Wheatley Homes South financial statements 2022/23
- Scottish Housing Regulator details for Wheatley Housing Group Limited and RSL subsidiaries
- Group Scrutiny Panel
- Mainstreaming Equality Reports produced under the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012, as amended: No information held in this class
- Employee and board equality monitoring reports, produced under the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012, as amended: No information held in this class
Class 8: Our commercial publications
Information packaged and made available for sale on a commercial basis and sold at market value through a retail outlet e.g., bookshop, museum or research journal.
No information collected in this class.
Class 9: Our open data
Open data made available by the authority as described by the Scottish Government’s Open Data Resource Pack and available under an open licence.
The authority’s open data publication plan:
Open data sets and their metadata, or links to where they are accessible:
No information collected in this class.